Sunday, December 20, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 13-20

December 13 - Today is my birthday. I'm grateful that my mother thought of me as a child and not as a choice.

December 14 - I'm grateful that we got our Christmas presents for the grandparents all ready to go.

December 15 - I'm grateful that all my vocal and instrumental parts are done for Spontaneous Woo's second album! Only a few bass fixes and mixing left! Hopefully only a few more months...

December 16 - I'm grateful for the funny things my kids say. For example. "Mama hair brown. Owen hair yellow. Austin hair yellow. Mama teeth yellow."

December 17 - I'm grateful that it was announced that we're getting an extra bonus at work, and we have a budget for raises this year. Last year we didn't have raises at all, but considering what was going on with the economy, we were all just grateful to be employed at the time.

December 18 - I'm grateful that the class I taught at the local plumbers and steamfitters union (UA290) went well. Who knows? They may even ask me back!

December 19 - I'm grateful that we got to hang out with Mark and Katie to bake cookies and then got the bonus of seeing Katie's brother Patrick!

December 20 - I'm grateful Ted invited me and the boys over to watch football this morning to give Janell a morning off!

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