Thursday, December 31, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 27-31

December 27 - I'm grateful that we were able to collect 232 books to donate to the Children's Book Bank in Portland as my Christmas present to Janell.

December 28 - I read an article in the paper today about the football team at one of the Portland high schools. The article described how some people have started a pasta feed for the team every Wednesday because some of the players were going days without eating due to financial hardship. I'm grateful that I don't have to worry about how I'm going to feed my kids.

December 29 - I'm grateful that Austin's little mishap yesterday only resulted in three stitches. He's in good spirits today, and it's like it didn't happen! I'm also grateful it didn't happen today since we had several inches of snow and couldn't really go anywhere due to slick roads and complete gridlock everywhere.

December 30 - I'm grateful that my parents are watching the boys tonight so Janell and I can have an overnight at Edgefield!

December 31 - I'm grateful for the 30 Days Challenge this year! I was able to make many of the items habits and I lost a few pounds in the process!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 21-26

December 21 - I'm grateful that the craft beer industry took off in the United States at just the right time! I remember hearing lots of jokes about American beer (how is American beer like a canoe...they're both f'ing close to water). But who's laughing now? The beer here is among the best in the world, and there is lots of it. I'm particularly lucky to live in Portland, where we have more breweries than any other city in the world! 31 and counting! Competition breeds excellence.

December 22 - This one may sound weird, but I'm grateful for all of my ex-girlfriends. I believe that every one of them contributed to the person I am today. I learned something from each relationship. I learned who I am. I learned how to appreciate people who have different opinions than I do. And, I learned different outlooks on life. Thank you for helping me find me way. Most importantly, I learned what I wanted in a woman and in a partner, and I was able to recognize that when I met my wife.

December 23 - I grew up an only child. Yet, I have a huge family. 41 first cousins. Over 200 second cousins. I'm part of a huge, loving family. I consider many of my cousins to be sisters and brothers, and I'm grateful for that.

December 24 - I'm grateful that today is Christmas Eve, and my kids are old enough to sort of get it. I get to play Santa tonight!

December 25 - I'm grateful that my parents were able to make it to Portland safely and relatively on time, even though there was an ice storm brewing in the midwest today and yesterday. Merry Christmas to all!

December 26 - In light of the attempted terrorist attack yesterday (somebody tried to blow up a Northwest flight bound for Detroit from Amsterdam on Christmas day), I feel this one is timely and fairly important. I'm grateful for all the men and women who are brave enough to fight for our freedom and our safety as part of the U.S. military. Salute to the armed forces! I appreciate all you do!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 13-20

December 13 - Today is my birthday. I'm grateful that my mother thought of me as a child and not as a choice.

December 14 - I'm grateful that we got our Christmas presents for the grandparents all ready to go.

December 15 - I'm grateful that all my vocal and instrumental parts are done for Spontaneous Woo's second album! Only a few bass fixes and mixing left! Hopefully only a few more months...

December 16 - I'm grateful for the funny things my kids say. For example. "Mama hair brown. Owen hair yellow. Austin hair yellow. Mama teeth yellow."

December 17 - I'm grateful that it was announced that we're getting an extra bonus at work, and we have a budget for raises this year. Last year we didn't have raises at all, but considering what was going on with the economy, we were all just grateful to be employed at the time.

December 18 - I'm grateful that the class I taught at the local plumbers and steamfitters union (UA290) went well. Who knows? They may even ask me back!

December 19 - I'm grateful that we got to hang out with Mark and Katie to bake cookies and then got the bonus of seeing Katie's brother Patrick!

December 20 - I'm grateful Ted invited me and the boys over to watch football this morning to give Janell a morning off!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 11-12

December 11 - I'm grateful I grew up in Aplington, Iowa. There I learned the value of community and the value of hard work. In fact, we had a survey in my department at work here in Oregon, and one of the questions was "Where would you have liked to have grown up?" The two of us from Iowa both listed Iowa. Here are two fantastic examples why.

When I was a freshman at Iowa State University, my dad sustained a head injury in a farm accident that put him in the hospital for nine days and out of farming shape for a bit longer. All this happened in the middle of harvest. After driving to Iowa City to visit my dad in the hospital after the accident, I headed to the farm outside of Aplington to take care of the 500 hogs he raised and figure out how to deal with the 220 acres of crops that needed to be combined soon. When I got there, I found dozens of friends, neighbors, and family members there. Three of them were out in the field with their combines, and there were so many tractors and wagons there that they had to wait in line for the three combines to give them a half a load to take to town. This all continued for the next few days while my uncle Paul and I took care of the livestock. There were also several ladies there cooking for all the men and keeping everybody full. By the time my dad got home from the hospital, all the crops were out of the field, which was a very good thing since he obviously needed to rest and recover. I'll never forget the sense of community I felt in those few days. Keep in mind that when all this started, my dad was in the hospital, my mom was with him, and I was away at school. Nobody asked for any help. Nobody asked for any praise. Everybody just knew what to do, and they showed up and got it done.

The next story has to do with Parkersburg, which is only four miles from Aplington. Parkersburg is where I went to church, I wrestled on their wrestling team (Aplington didn't have a team), and Parkersburg merged schools with Aplington shortly after I graduated. It's sort of a surrogate hometown for me. Last May a category 5 tornado ripped through Parkersburg and neighboring New Hartford. It destroyed 1/3 of the Parkersburg, including about 220 houses, the high school, and 2/3 of the businesses. The devastation was unbelievable. What happened next was even more unbelievable. The rest of the town of Parkersburg and surrounding communities wasted no time coming in to help pick up the pieces. People cam from all over the state to rake debris from the lawns of people they had never met. Students from rival high schools arrived by the busload from as far as 100 miles away and crawled on their hands and knees to pick up glass, wood, and metal shards that had been embedded into the football field. Football players from both Iowa and Iowa State came to help. The sense of community and hard work spread from the immediate area to the entire state. I was never more proud to be from Iowa as I was in the aftermath of that tornado.

December 12 - I'm grateful that I get to go back to a friends' party tonight after the kids go to bed. Thanks Janell! I'm also grateful that it's close enough to walk. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 10

I'm grateful to have several great groups of friends. I am blessed with many good friends here in Portland. I am also blessed with many friends I made in Aplington, Iowa State, Penn State, Saipan, Japan, and many other places that I don't get to see as often as I'd like. I really do treasure every one of you, and I'm proud of the way everybody looks out for each other.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 7-9

December 7 - I'm grateful that I have a good job to get up and to go today. It may frustrate me at times, but I really do get to work on things that interest me, and I have first-rate co-workers. It also does a good job of paying my bills.

December 8 - I'm grateful that we are getting together for band practice tonight. Never grow up!

December 9 - When I woke up this morning it was 7 degrees outside. I'm grateful that we have a warm house to wake up in. I'm grateful that our furnace is working so far this winter. I'm grateful that we don't have to worry about how we're going to pay our utility bills. I'm grateful that my family members all have warm clothes to wear.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 3-6

December 3 - I'm sitting here at the Autodesk University conference in Las Vegas. I'm really grateful that I could be here. It has been a great experience. I'm grateful that my boss saw the importance of it both for Intel and as a personal growth experience for me. He put himself out there and fought for me to be able to attend, and I'm grateful for that.

December 4 - I'm grateful that my parents let me grow and develop into the person I am today. They were always very encouraging of whatever I wanted to do. Thank you for letting me be myself.

December 5 - I'm grateful that I picked a job in Portland, Oregon rather than a job in Vermont. Regardless of the job itself, coming to Oregon over 11 years ago was a good decision. I knew when I got here that this is a place where I belonged. Besides, if I hadn't come here I wouldn't have met my wife!

December 6 - I'm grateful for college football at 9am.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Things to be grateful for - Dec 1 and Dec 2

Dec 1: First and foremost, I'll start with the obvious one. I'm grateful that I was lucky enough to meet Janell, fall in love with her, and convince her to marry me. We've been together now for a total of nine years, and it has been a fantastic journey so far. When people say relationships are hard work, I think perhaps they haven't tried it with the right person for them. My relationship with Janell isn't hard work at all. It's actually quite easy, and I think that is because we are peers and partners in every sense of the word. So, I'm grateful for a having fantastic relationship with my best friend.

Dec 2: The next obvious one. I'm grateful to have two wonderful, healthy, curious, funny, loving, caring little boys. It's very exciting to be able to help them learn, well basically everything. The first time that truly dawned on me was when I showed them how to hold an apple so that they didn't eat the end and chew through the core. Simple things you never think about. I absolutely love it when I can share little private moments with them where we both laugh at something silly without really talking about why it's silly. I don't have to write this down to know I'm grateful for it, but it certainly doesn't hurt.