Thursday, July 2, 2009

July Challenge - No Television

As with all challenges so far, this one drew a mix of "No problem, I don't do that anyway." to "There's no way I can live without it!" Well, based on my experiences of the last six months, you can live without it! Especially TV. In July. Basketball is over. Football hasn't started, yet. Baseball doesn't get interesting until September. All the network shows are in reruns. You can get news and weather from the internet. If you're watching TV in July, it's likely because you're bored.

Take this month to enjoy the summer and rediscover the outdoors. Go on a bike ride. Take the kids to the park. Take a mini trip for the weekend. Tend your garden. Play cards or a board game. Learn to play the guitar. Practice your guitar if you already know how to play. Read a book. Better, yet. Write a book. Pick up a new hobby. Go to happy hour. Join a softball team. Call your mother. Live life!


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