Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This is a tough one...

April is tougher than I thought it would be.  Between the end of the NCAA basketball tournament, a movie at the Mission Theater (they serve beer), the Spring Brew festival (which I skipped), a visit from my parents, and an Easter party at a friend's house, there were lots of opportunities to have more than one beer.  But, I'm still holding strong!  Only 16 more days!

I'll admit that I cheated just a little bit tonight, but I have a good reason.  Our fridge suddenly stopped getting cold today (the freezer still works though, so I'm working on figuring that one out).  Anyway, we had to move all of our food into the beer fridge in the garage.  Well, there are several large bottles of beer that don't fit anywhere standing up and had to be lying down.  They were simply taking up too much space to fit everything, so I had to drink one of the big bottles of beer to make room.  Just one bottle, but it was a big one.  I do have another reason to drink the big bottle.  Tonight I learned why you're not supposed to use a screwdriver to defrost a freezer...

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